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Over 100,000 couples in Serbia struggle with infertility, a problem that affects many families across the country. In Belgrade, one in five couples undergoes in vitro fertilization (IVF), while in Serbia as a whole, this is the case for one in seven couples.

Couples unable to conceive naturally can apply for state-funded IVF after meeting certain conditions and receiving approval from an expert committee, with expenses covered by the Republic Health Insurance Institute. Serbia stands out among European countries for its significant financial support for couples facing infertility issues.

Additionally, Serbia is one of the few countries that covers treatment costs for women up to the age of 45. IVF through the Republic Fund for Health Insurance is available not only to couples but also to women without a partner, provided they are citizens of Serbia or have health insurance in the country. There is no limit on the number of stimulated IVF procedures or cryoembryo transfers for an insured woman under 45 at the time of obtaining the Certificate of Fulfillment of Conditions, as long as she has no children in her current marital or common-law union.


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